Hello world!

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Hi, my name is Jack.

What is my intention for this blog, what is it all about and why am I writing it?

The short answer: I don’t know (sort of)

See, on one hand there is an ‘I’ who doesn’t have a clue, and on the other an ‘I’ who knows exactly what the purpose of this blog is.

The first I is my Ego, the second I is my Self.

The Ego part of me couldn’t tell you exactly why I am writing here. In fact, it has given me enough reasons to put it off to last a lifetime of never doing it. It operates from fear and struggles to see a bigger picture.

However, there is a deeper part of me, a wiser part of me that whispers in the night and says “You have something to say! Don’t stress the details. It will all make sense down the line.”

Though it’s hard to listen to the Self, the timeless eternal part of us that lives beyond the tight constraints of the Ego, it must be done. It is a leap of faith.

For aspiring artists and writers like myself, it starts to feel like life or death. There is something within that wants to be brought forward. It knocks on the door of my heart day in day out, silently begging for me to answer. You might live with this same exact feeling. Maybe, like me, you’re terrified of what might happen if you answer the door. But we both know that there is no suppressing it. It always comes back, each time louder.

That nagging anxiety that runs constantly in the background, the huge burnouts when the pressure becomes just too much and we crash, the numb depressions that follow the crash. You know it all too well. I do.

We can make all the superficial lifestyle changes we want, but if we’re not making the change we know we need to make, well…

You know.

So, why am I writing this blog?

To save my skin.

See, the creation is the thing that saves you, that heals you.

Jesus said, “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.

This implies that there is something within you that has both the power to save or destroy you. The only question is whether you have the guts to bring it to life. I think there is massive truth to this… (oh and don’t worry, this is not a Christian blog).

So, what’s my blog all about then?

This. Figuring it out along the way. The raw, unedited journey of beginning to listen to the Self and bring forward the creations that yearn to exist. Maybe sharing some resources along the way.

Who else do I intend to serve?

You. Us.

The aspiring artist who has wrestled with their Ego year in year out and ended up in the swamps of suffering. The ones who know there is a deeper truth embedded in their suffering, something calling out for attention.

See, for a long time I felt that I had to know exactly what it was all about before I made the first step. But that day will never come. It is a leap of faith. Now I’m coming to realise that the authenticity of sharing exactly where I’m at may actually assist others in their own journey more than any polished product ever could. Mostly life doesn’t fit into neat boxes and likely this blog won’t be an exception. However, I hope that this is where the gold lies. Not in some abstract destination that never comes, but the journey.

To return to our true unlimited Self, our larger identity within the whole, and to be a channel for our highest creations to shine through us, restoring us to sanity and serving those it reaches. That is my goal.


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