A deep, existential sigh of relief.

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All of us so desperately want to return to what is important.

To our true Self – where we can breathe a deep, existential sigh of relief.

A deep, existential sigh of relief.

Where we can be at ease with ourselves, knowing our true nature.

Though it often feels like it, it’s not all up to us. The show runs itself, folks.

When we drop the whole hero act, ‘me against the world’ thinking and instead relax into who we already are, we realise there is nothing to ‘do’ but celebrate the moment and lead each other back to our shared eternal home – within.

In my experience, our gifts can only shine through us when we finally step out of the way and simply BE the person we feel and know we were put here to be – the person we were all along. Then, all action that arises from this place has direction, because it comes from our core, as opposed to action that is borne out of trying to be someone else or get somewhere else.

I feel that there is a deeper truth behind the anxiety and suffering that we find ourselves caught up in as a result of pursuing this second type of action. Amidst our inner turmoil, our perceived brokenness and inability to feel completely at ease, lies a powerful message…
It is a message from the depths, a whisper from our true Self, our destiny.

On the surface we may perceive this message as a subtle (or not so subtle) anxiety running in the background wherever we go, whatever we do. We may try to supress it or numb it away, treating it like an enemy to our happiness and our endless pursuit of it. But we can’t escape it. Eventually it gets so loud and our suffering so unbearable (usually at the point where we are exhausted and feel like giving up), that we finally face it. When we do, we discover it wasn’t an enemy to our joy but rather the KEY all along…

Its message is clear:

“Come home! Don’t waste another second trying to be something other than what you were born to be!”

The anxiety, the overwhelm, the burned-out hyper-sensitivity and numb feeling that we carry on our shoulders is indeed a compass that always points to our True North – our True Self, letting us know when we have deviated from our core.

When we return to ourselves and bask in the joy of being the person we already are and always were, we may finally let the character we were so busy creating, die. 


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